

A man had a dog He loved so much. 馃惗 One day, he got a call to travel down from his country to another country to manage a project which would be the biggest project of his career at that time. Given how long he will be staying for the task, he decided to take his dog along with him.  When he got to the airport with his dog, he was asked to present a document that shows that the dog was fit healthwise to fly with him. He quickly left to see a Veterinary Doctor who performed a quick assessment of the dog and told him that the dog wasn't fully well and will need about three days with proper medication to get well.  He persuaded the doctor to please pass his dog fully fit as his flight was taking off in 20 mins.  The doctor didn't bulge one bit.  So this man had the option of either missing his flight to take care of his dog or let the dog go and fly out for a lifetime project to return only God knows when.  He chose to let the dog go albeit with tears in his eyes at the airport. 

What Kings Teach Princes

In the olden days, Kings weekly took out time to teach their young princes the way of life of Kings and the modus operandi of the palace. One of the lessons taught is that money isn't the only tool of transaction but that 'Words are currencies'. The ability to know when, how, who to talk to, where to say it and what to say is one that Kings are made to hone from a very young age.  You must learn not to cheapen your words.  Nothing should leave your tongue without substance.  Even if it's a joke, it should carry a level of substance, weight and dropped at the right time.  When people observe that your words are empty, they will subconsciously put you in a class of those that they shouldn't expect a lot from when you hold the mic.  They will recommend you less for opportunities and close doors by default as they assume you may not represent them well. You can change this perspective although it's hard.  Let me share 8 rules to spend your words like a King.  1. Rai


 If you expect everyone to be kind, humane and loving sincerely just like you, you are in the wrong planet. Here, when most people find you kind but without boundaries, you will be taught a painful lesson. Here, there are scavengers everywhere seeking to take from what you have (money, energy, efforts, time and joy) and leave you with nothing to figure your way out not caring how you feel. It pains me when I see really kind people get hurt at work, in business and relationship as they haven't learnt how to spot manipulation and leave with supreme peace. Dear Kind people, 1. Learn to have and handle difficult conversations. It doesn't hurt much to have when unsure.  2. Set boundaries. As a businessman, set your price and what amount you can't go below. Guess what? Funny that people love and trust people who have boundaries.  3. No is a statement. Say it when you just can't.... 4. When you notice you are the only one giving and sacrificing, it's wisdom to chill. You d


Some years ago on LTV, I saw the video of a song by a late artiste that caught my attention. Let me try to retell the story the way I remember it.  He told the story of a man who married his sweetheart馃グ. His first wife died right in the hospital after the delivery of her son that same night.   The man married another wife that same year to stand by his side and to take care of his baby boy. This second wife was so sweet and caring that you will think she gave birth to the boy.  Soon, the second wife gave birth to a boy.  From the day she gave birth to her son, she started plotting the death of the first son.  She got a bottle of poison and waited for a perfect day to execute her plan.  So one day, she prepared two types of porridge. Porridge, again?  Yes, the same that Jacob served Esau馃ぃ She garnished one with different combination of spices, ponmo and vegetables with red oil 馃構.  The other, she didn't add spice and prepared it bare. She served both in two coolers, sprinkled pois


What will you call a person who ordered for a ride to the market, only to buy an egg to add to 2 sachets of noodles? 馃榿 I mean, he paid N6000 to a bolt driver depending on the distance to buy an egg.馃檰馃徑‍♂️ You see, every decision made based on the present alone is most times the wrong one.  Whether to accept a business deal or not, accept a job offer or not, invest money in a project or not, say Yes or No to someone for a relationship.  Sometimes, you are pressed on every side to sign a deal or make a choice that you know isn't what will give you joy, peace and help fulfill destiny. What is easy to do is to make a wrong decision consciously at that point which might seem to give you this 'feel good' feeling but may only last a while.  Others make decisions out of fear of 'I may never find a good one'. When the fear of not losing out totally sponsors your action, you may have just programmed pain for yourself.  You know what you want, shey? Wait strategically, praye

King Sunny Ade

King Sunny Ade as a young man and an upcoming artist desired visibility, platforms and money. He was introduced to Chief Bolarinwa Abioro who had a popular record label at that time. The same man used to pay artists like Ayinde Bakare, Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and even Pa Ebenezer Obey  On meeting Chief Abioro, KSA prostrated like a proper yoruba champ.  He asked King Sunny Ade questions to which he answered. He was presented a contract to which he appended his signature quickly. He was eager to be heard by the world 馃榿馃拑馃徏馃寧. What he didn't know was that, in that contract it was stated that, on the sale of every album which was then fixed at N6, King Sunny Ade & His boys were entitled to a sum of 20Kobo while His boss got N5.80Kobo .馃檰馃徑‍♂️ You too do the Maths.  Fair?  It took Late Chief Fawehinmi to help King Sunny Ade recover his due after a long court battle.  You will agree that in life some decisions requires time, scrutiny and conviction than others.. For instance: 1. I


Is it possible for one to be so exhausted by life's many troubles that one wishes for a total life of meaningless silence and even death?  Absolutely!  Many years ago, a man once killed about 400 prophets after winning a bet. While he was thinking of celebrating his victory, he got an info that a bounty has been placed on his head by Mrs J.  He ran for his life, hid in a mountain, looked into the heaven and asked that his life be taken from him.  In his words, 'I have had enough, let me die, I am no better than my forefathers '. A guy who is a medical doctor and has been applying for jobs unsuccessfully for years can one day decide to relocate to his father's house in the village and start selling matches.馃暞️ Two people can be tired of trying to make their relationship work after many attempts and moments of stress. 馃挃 Burnout can even come from the prolonged stress at work. Life can press one to the wall that a person watch everything built to collapse without making a