What Kings Teach Princes

In the olden days, Kings weekly took out time to teach their young princes the way of life of Kings and the modus operandi of the palace.

One of the lessons taught is that money isn't the only tool of transaction but that 'Words are currencies'.

The ability to know when, how, who to talk to, where to say it and what to say is one that Kings are made to hone from a very young age. 

You must learn not to cheapen your words. 

Nothing should leave your tongue without substance. 

Even if it's a joke, it should carry a level of substance, weight and dropped at the right time. 

When people observe that your words are empty, they will subconsciously put you in a class of those that they shouldn't expect a lot from when you hold the mic. 

They will recommend you less for opportunities and close doors by default as they assume you may not represent them well.

You can change this perspective although it's hard. 

Let me share 8 rules to spend your words like a King. 

1. Raise your hand to speak when it matters and counts. 

2. Take your time to think about how your speech no matter how short can be a 'package'

3. When angry or happy, don't make promises. 

4. Know when not to give all the details.

5. Weigh your words, if it lacks truth, clarity and tact, don't say it yet.

6. Everytime you identify a problem no matter how big, suggest at least one solution and let others take it from there. 

7. Don't flatter people. When they find out, they may never trust you again especially when they believed what you said at first.

8. Compliments are only meaningful when specific. Everytime you want to compliment a person, be specific about what you like.

In this new month, try these and see how you will be taken more seriously and be invited to room full of kings.

S貌 gb貌? 

Happy new month. 

Oluwapelumi Awe


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