
Some years ago on LTV, I saw the video of a song by a late artiste that caught my attention.

Let me try to retell the story the way I remember it. 

He told the story of a man who married his sweetheart馃グ. His first wife died right in the hospital after the delivery of her son that same night.  

The man married another wife that same year to stand by his side and to take care of his baby boy. This second wife was so sweet and caring that you will think she gave birth to the boy. 

Soon, the second wife gave birth to a boy. 

From the day she gave birth to her son, she started plotting the death of the first son. 

She got a bottle of poison and waited for a perfect day to execute her plan. 

So one day, she prepared two types of porridge.

Porridge, again? 

Yes, the same that Jacob served Esau馃ぃ

She garnished one with different combination of spices, ponmo and vegetables with red oil 馃構. 

The other, she didn't add spice and prepared it bare.

She served both in two coolers, sprinkled poison in only the well-prepared porridge with the belief that the first son will bully her son in her absence to get the good-looking porridge.

She left for the market to restock.

Not long after she left, the school bus dropped the two kids at home.

Mummy!!!, her son shouted. 

The kids after undressing ran into the kitchen. 

Her son who was always the one to get the better things, opened both coolers and assumed that the one garnished with red oil belonged to him, while the first son settled for the cooler of the bare-looking porridge.

As this woman's son ate his food and he couldn't help laughing at the first son as we struggled to enjoy the bare-looking porridge.

Well, not long he started coughing blood and died.

The elders have a saying that 'A poisoned food never tastes bitter.'

How does this apply to you in business, relationship and career?

1. Ask before act 

2. Observe before you obtain

3. Listen before you enlist 

4. Discern before you decide.

5. Don't only always accept things at face value.

6. Quiz before you crown her as an your Queen.

S貌 gb貌? 馃憘

Oluwapelumi Awe


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