The Shadow Of A Dog

There is an old saying that 'the shadow of a dog never bit anyone.' 

Is it not surprising that we as humans naturally most times assume the worst will happen to us?

So we prepare our minds for failure and we even verbalize it.

We go ahead to defend that negative stance by saying ' It is good to expect failure so that when you fail, you will not feel the pain that much.'.馃檰馃徑‍♂️

Many people have said many negatives about themselves that have come through and they pride in it by saying to their friends 'You know I told you that it won't work'. 

At the root of this is 'fear'. 

An MC about to anchor an event has already meditated and even told his friends how the event won't go well. He has concluded in his mind that the audience won't respond to him, the mics won't work and how he won't be liked. 

On the day of the event, everything he meditated comes to pass. He gets back and tells his friends how he knew it that the event will be a mess. 

She needs a job and on her way to the interview venue, she believes she doesn't deserve it and won't be offered a role.

People have by themselves imagined that the relationship they are in won't lead to a happy marriage and how their heart will end broken. 

Most times, it happens that way. They laugh at themselves and say 'I said it'. 

When you think this way, here's what happens. 

For some reason, the MC at the event will start acting, saying and doing things unknowingly that will lead to the feared outcome. 

The lady looking for a job will act, speak and answer questions in a way that makes it impossible for the interviewers to consider her for the role.

The guy or lady will start acting, saying, seeing, hearing and doing somethings that will lead to the sad ending of a relationship that started beautifully.

In most cases, what you fear will come upon you eventually. 

It is same reason when you meditate about a brand of car long enough, you start seeing that car everywhere. 

What should you do? 

1. You will have to condition yourself to only see, ear and say positives about yourself. The substance of your thoughts are from the images and videos through your eye-gate, songs and words through your ear-gate and memory. 

2. Develop the 'it will work' attitude. What's the worse that can happen? Anything other than success, you learn and do better next time.

3. Pray. Chief, if you ignore this, life will really cheat you.

4. Have a support group that keeps you inspired not intimidated. 

5. Don't trust how you feel. Your feelings can't be majorly the parameter you take decisions by. Define what your real desires are, how to clinch your desires, who can help get your desires, what price you will need to pay to get your desires, how soon you can start and make the move. 

For more, download my book 'S貌 gb貌' through -

You will win!

Oluwapelumi Awe

Master of Ceremonies | TV Host.


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