The Cap of Scarcity

Back in secondary school, we were all always punished for making noise. 

We had too many extroverts that liked telling gists馃ぃ

Once the noise started, a teacher will come in, ask us all to stand, raise our hands and close our eyes. This included both those of us who were quiet and the noisemakers themselves. 馃槍

But it was fun sha.馃榿

In SS 1, we were taught in Economics that resources are limited. 

This means that you need to make do with what you have to meet your needs.

Next to that was the concept of scarcity. 

It means that when you find what or who looks like what you want you must hold on to that as you may never find anything like that even if the thing, opportunity or person wants out. 

From that point our minds were framed to get too detached to preferred outcomes.

It is reason once there's a sign that we are losing out, we get agitated and depressed.

If you get a job that pays you well and all of a sudden, the company decides to downsize with your name on the list, there is a tendency to feel pained which is normal but when you remember how long it took you to get a job, you may keep thinking and may soon get depressed. 

A relationship of 3 years that you really desired works out, suddenly the guy begins to act strangely as though he is not interested anymore.

Your once kind Sugarpie馃グ doesn't pick your calls and reply your text.

You asked him to forgive you if you have done anything wrong but He says he just wants space. To feel pain in this case is human but if you permit the 'Scarcity' mentality, depression is bound to set in. 

You applied for an opportunity and didn't get in despite your efforts, if you permit the 'Scarcity' mentality, you unconsciously will be unable to see even easier opportunities.

You see the thoughts that you have that...

- Once you get sacked, you can never get a job as good as this talk more of a better one.

- When He leaves, no other person can be like him, or if she doesn't say yes to my proposal there's no one as .... as she is 

- If you don't get the scholarship from this company, it's over

All of the above show that, you aren't a person of faith and you are not convinced about the value you bring to the table.

The ability to let things and people go once there's strife is a skill you MUST master. 

This is hard, yes? But it's the truth.

A lady can go to that guy's house, knee, call his parents and friends and ask them to beg her Sugarpie to kindly return to sweeten her life.

In another case, the lady will ask her boss to sleep with her so that she can retain her job as there are no jobs out there.

This type of living will bring you under the grip of fear, desperation and frustration.

If you live by the Scarcity Mentality, life will beat you again and again. 

You will settle for less, sign unfavourable deals and short-change yourself.

You will become a victim of circumstance and will be tossed here and there. 

If it's a job, give your best as a valuable person that you are but if you are told to leave, believe that you have just been unleashed by the universe for the bigger opportunities. 

A relationship is turning sour and you know the other person isn't showing signs of interest and desire any more, making it harder and harder to make something beautiful happen, instead of just keeping mute in hopelessness and wanting to tie the person with marriage because this is the only person you believe epitomizes beauty and all things good and there is no other person, you must choose to believe that you are a golden fish and will catch the eyes of a better 'one' soon.

An opportunity you missed? There are more opportunities just with a little more effort in searching, you will find. 

You must train your mind that there's nothing called scarcity. 

There are more...... (Fill the gap). Yes!!!!

I repeat give your best as agreed and more, show genuine interest, pray, give ideas, show present-mindedness, be humble, but if it goes the other way round, be open to possibilities. 

Pull off the cap of scarcity, my friend. 馃Б

I hope this helps. Tell me in the comments.

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Oluwapelumi Awe


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