Will You Marry Me?馃グ

A friend of mine got married to his sweetheart馃グ some years back but what I can't forget was a question he asked his woman while proposing to her.

He proposed in a neat restaurant in Lagos. I and another friend were seated far from them as cameramen. I had a phone with me to record the whole thing secretly as planned with my friend as the lady didn't know that the day was the day.馃榿馃グ

We had planned everything and even did some scripting as Baba was scared馃榿

When it was time, after telling her how much he wanted her, he asked her the question 'What should I look forward to with you as my wife?'.

She responded, 'Sweet馃グ, I promise to give you peace, love you wholeheartedly, stand & pray with & for you and make a great mother for your children'. 

Sweeettttt 馃グ馃榿 

He was impressed that he abandoned our script and went on one knee immediately馃槄. 

He couldn't wait to do life with her. 馃挴

Far away where we were, we quickly came out of our hidden places 馃槄馃榿. 

I personally was so impressed.

Perfect response from a smart woman, shey ?

They are married happily and I am so glad they are馃グ馃挭馃徏

When people talk to me about been hurt and as they do sometimes they shed tears, I ask them to hug me for I know what it means.

90% of the people you know will choose themselves over you a thousand times if they were in the position to choose.

I know good people who keep getting hurt repeatedly majorly by the same people and some times by new people. 

Their niceness is being taken for granted and pain used to repay good.  

In relationship, it's the same. They keep falling into the hands of the 'wrong people' 

Let me share some tips that will deliver you significantly from getting hurt badly.

A. Be careful the deals you sign. When you are a nice/kind person or let me say someone who is 'passionate' about something a job or relationship, there's the tendency to sign a deal verbally or on paper without checking deals and asking some questions. 

Maybe you want a job badly, you may cheat yourself out of 'sincere passion' and say 'yes' to everything only to resume and realize that you cheated yourself. 

Before you sign, check the terms, ask questions and be sure to get an answer that is mutually favourable.

B. Be bold enough to walk away. I know it's difficult to walk away from a job you have been praying for when the deal is not mutually beneficial. You will need to else you live your life in regret. Believe that you were made for more and that you aren't short of options. 

C. The question, what is the other company or the person bringing to the table?.. needs to be asked.

A former FBI Negotiator was asked about one thing that makes his job as a negotiator easy. He said he loves it when the other person doesn't know that they are in a negotiation.

Meaning that, we are always negotiating in life and don't assume that people will naturally negotiate in your favour. 

When negotiating your pay with a company and you are asked 'Do you have any question for us?', you MUST have a question. 

Again some people because of 'sincere passion' or desperation say NO. 

You should ask 'Why should I be excited to work in your organization?'. 

During proposal, smart ladies, ask guys, why should I say yes to you?. 

Smart guys too ask ladies, 'what should I look forward to with you in my life?' and they listen to the response. 

I know a guy who walked away from a lady given her 'empty' response. Nothing tangible and here you are wanting a solid guy. You no try, Angelina. 

D. Know how far is too far. Another name for the table tennis game is Ping Pong. 

Like the game, you serve the ball and you let the other person serve the ball too. 

There are times you serve wrongly and so far from the other person. If the person refuses to go and pick the ball because of how far you shot it and you keep going to get it, you will get frustrated it's only a matter of time. 

Let people stretch for you too and be there for you. It applies to relationship very well. Even a nurse will need another nurse to help her when she's pregnant and about to be delivered of a baby. 

E. Be kind to yourself. Preserve your peace by all means. Do the things that give you joy and peace.

You like this? 

There is more in my book 'S貌 gb貌?'. 

It's full of usable and ancient life's wisdom.  

Download link - Bit.ly/sogbo

Win all!

Oluwapelumi Awe


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