John & Cynthia馃槵

John, who just recently resumed in a popular bank ' A' in January 2024 is already thinking of switching to another bank as he is not 'feeling it' anymore and it looks like the bank doesn't seem to give the vibe of a lively place. 

He has also been seeing the pictures of some of his friends working in 'Bank B' smiling and even taking pictures on Valentine's day. He can't wait to join Bank B soon. In 2023, he worked in 3 different companies.

Cynthia is with her 4th partner (Bode) in the last 12 months. It looks like she dates one guy per quarter. 馃槀

About Efe (the first) she said, he doesn’t have a sharp sense of humour, he is too soft and believes there is someone else outside there who possessed all she wanted.❌

Not too long, she met with Nduka at a friend's wedding. As they went on, she said he is too social, she doesn’t like guys that ladies easily flock around. ❌

One day, she saw a 'Hi' on her WhatsApp , she checked the display picture and screamed 'Henry'. Her primary schoolmate. 

They chatted and met a few times, she said he is too reserved and is likely to keep secrets from her. 馃❌

Only a few months ago, she moved on to Bode and she is now saying he is too focused, he reaches out less when he is working and she can't wait to break out of the relationship as she is now missing Efe (first guy) although he didn't have a sharp sense of humour, but he can break his neck for her. 馃槀馃槀

Is the land really or always greener on the other side? 

Abraham noticing that there was contention between his servants recommended that Lot should choose his way and he Abraham will go the other way.

Lot looked at the well-watered garden from afar and chose that. He moved to the land with cattles, servants, his wife and daughters. By the time he was leaving the land he chose, he lost his wife and the properties he took there. 

Many people are like John and Cynthia. 

They can't stick to one for a reasonable amount of time. They always believe that there's a person or a company out there that can supply more than what is being enjoyed at the moment (which may be true sha..)

For John, he believes that he is talented and since he has his Msc, it's easy for him to switch jobs once he is not 'feeling it' anymore 

John doesn't realize that if he continues like this it may be difficult to gain the required experience, build solid relationships and get promoted in an organization or recognized for anything significant.

For Cynthia, she is a beautiful lady and believes that she can attract solid guys when she doesn't 'feel it' with a guy anymore.

Any sound guy who is headed towards destiny can read her enough to know that she is not emotionally stable enough to accommodate a perceived 'improvable' weakness and can tell that she will leave quickly in the day of his adversity.

Deep stuff, yea?

The ability to stay with one and commit to one is difficult for many. 

You see that desire to always switch once you are not 'feeling it' anymore is a quality that shows that you can't really be trusted with so much.

Experience has shown that It's not always greener on the other side. Wise people have learnt how to make where they are 'green'.

The human spirit is insatiable. There's a feeling that comes with getting into anything fresh and then after a while we want to get into something else that is fresh so that we can feel that way again.

This is not a call to stay in a toxic environment just to prove loyalty, you may break so leave if you must. 

I once asked a married man of 9 years this year, how he has been able to stay with one woman for 10 years. They were friends for a year before Baba spoke his mind sweetly when they were drinking ice-cream馃榿馃グ

Read his response:

'Pelumi, early in my life I decided what my negotiables were in work, life or relationship' 

I listed out what my non-negotiables were that I know that if violated will affect my peace, joy and sense of fulfillment.

I listed the sacrifices I will have to make to make this work if I really wanted it to work. Lastly how I would compensate anytime I defaulted. For instance, if due to Lagos traffic, I have been leaving home too early before my kids wake and get home when they are alseep. When it's weekend and I am home with the kids, I put my phone on silence mode and play with my kids'.

Yorubas have a saying that 'If while preparing breakfast on a firewood set-up, you keep pulling out any wood you notice is not burning enough, it's likely that you will not eat as it is only a matter of time before you are left with nothing to complete the cooking process.'.

There's a time to fight and a time to give up as loss. 

There is a time to stick and a time to leave. 

Know the difference. 

S貌 gb貌?

Oluwapelumi Awe

P-S: Consider registering to attend my ' *How Kings Write*' course which is designed to guide you to write your first book in 14 days. Send me a DM to know more.


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