The Weak

 Warning: There is an instruction at the end of the post that is only for the bold馃挭馃徏

When people know they can manipulate your feelings and will, they most likely will.

Unknown to you, they have tried you many times and noticed your weakest link, so they have mastered how to get to you and then leave you in the middle of no where.

The guy believes he can lose you anytime he feels like and knows how to get you back through your weakest point. 

It could be to speak your love language specially again, trigger a part of you and you innocently draw near again feeling loved and then leaves you in the middle of no where. 

Usually, it's that the person comes when he or she wants to feed a part of him/her you are great at feeding, it could be giving attention or gifts and then when you have fed him/her fully, you are left again till next time.

You are been seriously manipulated by a task master. 

Even dealing with some 'tor-mentors' too.

Someone who reduces your achievement and waters down your thoughts and dreams isn't a mentor but a tormentor. 

Even in the workplace, you will need to know when you are being or about to be manipulated. 

Not everyone who knows he/she is the wind beneath your wings, won't torture your feelings and allow you soar high. 

What are you afraid of?

1. Being alone

2. Being sacked 

3. Losing the mentor-mentee relationship 

4. Losing a suckee-sucker relationship 

Let me attend to each...

1. Being alone: The fact that the person keeps coming back means, you carry something heavy and precious. 

You are only a Queen in the eyes of a King. 

Your King will come and you will see how beautifully you will be treated. 

2. Being sacked: To yourself, be true. 

How valuable are you there? Once you are sure you are valuable, then do the next thing. 

Speak up for yourself in the most polite way possible and strategically. 

When you are powerful and you don't know, you will be exploited. 

3. Losing a mentor-mentee relationship: Stop seeking validation and politely move away. You can be mentored by the great without physical contact. 

4. Losing a suckee-sucker relationship: first, move away and then look away. 

You are more than enough. 

Instruction: Let your oppressors go!

S貌 gb貌?馃馃徏

Oluwapelumi Awe


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