The Ancient Secret Weapon Of Kings

In the olden days, Kings use to EMPLOY wise men to seat on their right and left.

The same persons that Pharaoh asked that they interpret his dreams, the same persons Nebuchadnezzar' asked to retrieve his forgotten dream and interpret or they will be killed and the same persons King Ahasuerus turned to when he was confused about what to do about Vashti's rebellion...

In Yoruba land, we call them Otun and Osi.

When an issue is raised, the King will send for them quickly first even before he sends for the Warrior, Herbalist or Iya Lode.

At their arrival, he will tender the issue and ask the Otun to speak, when the Otun is done speaking, he will turn and say 'Osi, please speak too'.

He must consult them before making any key decision.

In the Bible, the man Ahitophel was one of David's most powerful weapon. He rarely went to battle. He was the Chief Strategist.

He was the wisest of his time.

When he decamped to join Absalom when Absalom wanted to kill David and David was informed that Ahitophel has decamped, David knelt down and prayed just one prayer 'Oh Lord, let the counsel of Ahitophel fail '.

Can you imagine? He didn't pray that God should kill the armies of Absalom.

He knew it that the only thing that mattered to his presence on earth or death was Ahitophel's counsel.

Well, Ahitophel's counsel was ignored by Absalom.

Ahitophel seeing that his counsel was rejected, went and killed himself.

There are many ways to become wise but I can share with you a few.

What is being wise?

A state of making sound judgment and communicate your ideas/strategies in a way that brings the right result MOST TIMES. It doesn't mean you don't make mis-takes and slip but it's very rare because you are human.

You can become wise through:
1. Instruction (mentorship)

2. Inspiration: Anything can trigger this kind of wisdom. A song, a verse in the Bible, under an intense atmosphere...

3. Revelation: Usually in the Bible, when a case is beyond human comprehension with dire consequences if not deciphered quickly, God reveals to his own).

You must have seen this in the bible '...and the secret was revealed unto Daniel....,)

4. Observation (watching, listening and paying attention)

5. Destruction (from a painful experience)

6. Books and materials.

7. Laying of hands. Moses in the Bible laid his hands on Joshua and the Bible said ..'the spirit of wisdom came upon him.' Again, it's the ability to make the right decisions most times than you could have and do it with an unusual pace.

8. Curiosity : Everytime you ask a question and it is answered, you save it in your memory. The next time someone asks the question somewhere, when you say the answer you were told, people call you wise , shey.?馃榿

Solomon's wisdom was a promise God made to him to increase the speed at which he is able to come up with superior ideas. He wasn't foolish before asking God for wisdom. For him to have offered a burnt offering to God and the mere fact that he can even ask for wisdom meant that he wasn't foolish.

It's difficult to convince a person who isn't wise. He/she will argue from his/her place of ignorance with confidence or pride.

People who are proud are rarely wise sincerely.

My way or the highway is a sign that there's a gap in how you think that wisdom has to fill.

Let me add to the list...
9. Association- This is the most powerful. It's available to both Christians and non-christians. He that walks with the wise shall be wise. Association is powerful.

A King is as powerful as his wise men.

In 2024, you will need wise men who can help speed up your decision-making and reduce loses.

S貌 gb貌?

Oluwapelumi Awe


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