The Longer & Darker Path
The path of a person with the destiny of a nation is always slightly different from the path of others. It can be darker than others. One can look disadvantaged and left behind by colleagues and friends. When I get to heaven, I intend to first hug and interview Prime Minister Joseph if possible馃榿 I know he must have cried secretly and must have lifted his eyes looking at the brick ceiling of the prison asking why his own path looked darker, tougher and lonelier than others. He didn't know that he was being preserved to do what he has always done for free but this time around with a reward that would erase his pain of many years. He stayed nonetheless and hung in. You were selected and picked for a task with your name on it. 'Hard' is part of the package but if you hang in, you will hit gold. If you choose to throw in the towel by taking your life or settle for something you know is not you, you have lost a chance to truly live a life of impact + meaning and...