The Talking Seeds

In a land where seeds talk and see. 

A tree firmly rooted in the forest had many beautiful seeds with many colors. 

Both the rich and poor had access to this tree. 

One day, a popular rich man needed to add colour to his parlour. 

As the seeds saw him coming, they all happily started getting set for a fall.

When he came to the tree, he shook the tree, a lot of the seeds fell. He picked a few into his beautiful Vase and left the rest on the ground.

The seeds he picked were happy and excited but the seeds on the ground were very sad that they were not picked. 

Farmers stepped on these seeds on their way to the farm and back on their way to their homes. 

Some of these seeds died, the rest cried from the hurt off being marched and felt disadvantaged everytime they remembered that their former fellow seeds were in the house of the rich. 

What these 'marched' seeds didn't know was
1. The rich man always trashed the seeds in the vase after 3months to get fresh beautiful seeds from that tree. 
2. The more they were pressed, the more they were stepped on, the more they were marched, the more they got buried in the soil prepared for a future that will see them become trees that will produce beautiful seeds themselves.

Your recent rejection or present disappointment is designed to lead you to your place of destiny.  

A popular sage while addressing a people who were going through hard times counselled them with these words

'For we know that ALL THINGS (including break-up, rejection, disappointment and challenges) work together for good....'

Let nothing kill your spirit.馃槉馃憡馃徎 

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