Favour brings - Wisdom keeps


Access is a key, don't lose it. 

Especially when people open their arms to receive you regardless of your past, background or class.

When people trust you enough to hand the key to their vault to you, remind yourself that you didn't deserve access in the first place and wear humility.

If you take access for granted, when you are below 18, people can forgive you easily and call it ignorance but will be watchful with the hope that you will learn.

But when you get past 18 and you trivialize access repeatedly, people will erect a wall (sometimes unconsciously ) that limits your reach to either their homes, pocket, events or even bank of wisdom.

An easy example is when  you go to the house of a person who is not related to you in no 'blood' way or isn't obligated to show you love and you are presented with plenty with no caps, smile at plenty when offered but make your choices with discretion.

I try my very best never to trivialize access. I honor men sincerely. 

Ladies and gentlemen, it is too early to close the door against those who can help you advance.

What favour brings, wisdom and honor keeps.

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Oluwapelumi Awe


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