Eleven Master Exam Moves (EMEM)

1. Disown your school mother and father. This is not a time for one student to start sending you on errands here and there in the name of being a school mother. You both are students. Don't be humbly stupid. 

2. You will be harming yourself if you try to summarise when writing exams with tags like (EFCs, Phil, Sec...). You will have to write in details to SHOW that you understand if you want to get A or B in that course. 

3. For other courses, you will need to read, study and interpret in your words by WRITING on a note first step by step not by TYPING on your phone. Your hand will help your brain remember the answer when your brain forgets in the exam hall.

4. For your mathematical exams, study examples you did in class, study assignment questions add small efforts of research to it and you should be fine. 

5. By all means, eat. Avoid vegetables or beans if you know your body reacts to meals like that negatively.

6. Dress well. Dressing well improves your confidence before, during and after the exams. 

7. Be humble enough to learn from anyone even from any religion or background at all. Christians can learn from Muslims & Muslims can learn from Christians.

8. Always sleep when you have the chance. You should create time for sleep too The lesser you sleep, the weaker your ability to remember things.

9. Pray. This is as important as reading. 

By now you should know evil men exist everywhere. One time in school, I remember people who read so hard and by the time they get to the exam hall, they will forget all they have read. When they are quizzed to narrate what happened before the exam, they will tell you that before the exam, one person (could be a guy or lady) came and shook their hands. They didn't feel anything though but a transaction has been made. 

Also remember, except the Lord builds the house the builders build but in vain.

10. Check your gadgets again and again. Calculator and pen. If you can, buy MATHS SET. 

11. Buy an earpiece and plug in your ears, download and play cool instrumentals that can help you program your mind for success. Shut the noise out . You can do this 1hr to the exam.

Two Bonuses

- CHOOSE not to cheat. It's an option with a consequence. 

- If after an exam, you check your notes and discover that your answers were wrong, try not to sulk for too long. Pick yourself, read and plan strategically for the next one. Don't let your past make you the last.  

I hope this is not coming late.

You can share with those you love and you want to pass. 馃檹馃徑

Oluwapelumi Awe


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