A man had a dog He loved so much. 馃惗 One day, he got a call to travel down from his country to another country to manage a project which would be the biggest project of his career at that time. Given how long he will be staying for the task, he decided to take his dog along with him. When he got to the airport with his dog, he was asked to present a document that shows that the dog was fit healthwise to fly with him. He quickly left to see a Veterinary Doctor who performed a quick assessment of the dog and told him that the dog wasn't fully well and will need about three days with proper medication to get well. He persuaded the doctor to please pass his dog fully fit as his flight was taking off in 20 mins. The doctor didn't bulge one bit. So this man had the option of either missing his flight to take care of his dog or let the dog go and fly out for a lifetime project to return only God knows when. He chose to let the dog go albeit with tears in his eyes ...