The 11th Hour

During a cross over service into a new year, a Pastor prophesied that there is someone in the congregation who will become a landlord before the next Cross over service. Everyone said Amen.馃檶 In that church was a teacher who also said Amen to the prayer. This teacher had a wife and a daughter. When he got home, he told his wife that he believed the prophecy was for him. His wife laughed馃ぃ and then reminded him of his salary of N30,000 and the impossibility of buying even a truck full of sand talk more of owning a house. This teacher held unto the prophecy nonetheless. He went to get the cost of having a plot of land in his area of choice. He was told that it will cost him N450,000. He started saving up N10,000 every month from January. When it was August that year, he told his wife how he had saved up N80,000 for the land project. His wife reminded him of the difference between N450,000 and N80,000 he had saved up already. On the 31st December, exactly a ye...