The First 馃

Have you noticed that some of your friends you underrated in school because they struggled academically, have good jobs now? Some of the ladies you felt will find it difficult to look attractive to a man because of their color combination when they came for lectures in school and yoruba-garnished accent are happily married with kids now, while you are still actively single struggling to get a good man. Some of the guys and ladies you called unambitious when it had to do with academics but were very entrepreneurial in your university days are now very comfortable doing business internationally. As humans we are quick to judge by what we can see and assume that what is, is all that can be. We forget that the person you are writing off maybe a job interview away, one scholarship away, one call away from his/her breakthrough. By now, you know that fast people don't always win the race, strong people don't always win the battle and that a person can be smart yet jobless and broke. ...